Olive Oil

In Hebrew, Olive Oil is “Shemen Zayit.” The Hebrew meaning of these words have a deeper representation. The prophetic call of this ministry is found in those Hebrew words. In fact each Hebrew letter that make up those words have significance for this ministry. We see the Lord’s wisdom in giving this name to this ministry.


The word Shemen means “oil”  and is comprised of three hebrew lettters; Shin (pronounced sheen), Mem, and Nun pronounced (noon). The Shin represents teeth. What do we do with teath? We eat bread- what bread, the Word of God. Shin also represents a menorah filled with olive oil. It holds divine revelation and represents teaching. It also means bound to the coal, which speaks of watching and tending the offerings and the altar.

Mem represents living, moving waters for healing and cleansing. The wisdom of Torah and repentance (Teshuva).

Nun represents the Messiah and “Fish,”  and an “Unbound servant” and faithful receiving vessel of humility.


The word Zayit means “olive” and is comprised of thee letters also; Zayin, Yod, and Tav.

Zayin represents weapon, and also corresponds to marital union, the seven lights of a menorah, leadership, Shabbat and becoming God’s vessel for blessing and sanctity.

Yod represents a closed hand, representing a work being done. It also represents intelligence.

Tav represents a “sign or covenant” and returning to a sense of purpose and direction, it also corresponds to light shining from the darkness.

So as you can see the calling of this ministry  of Olive Oil is in the very DNA of its name and letters!

The oil used for the menorah had to be the most pure. To attain that level of purity the olives were crushed and beaten; only then would the oil suffice. The trials and tests through the journey of our lives attest to this preparation and they reveal the need for each of us to walk through our own personal healing that we may become that light that shines in the darkness.